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Friday, June 22, 2012

I just offered Pringles to the Theoi

It's been an odd couple of days. For a little over twelve years, I have observed Litha, the Neo-Pagan festival of Midsummer. There were years I performed lavious ritual for the God and Goddess, others I just prepared a special meal and yet other years, I did no more but think about it and smile. This festival was the first Neo-Pagan festival to come 'round since I converted to Hellenismos and it was incredibly odd to celebrate Litha alongside the Athenian new year, Hekate's Deipnon, Noumenia and Agatós Daímõn.

Due to their somewhat unfortunate calendrical placement, I think this beginning of the new Hellenic month was probably not the best one for me to start out at. Yet, I did, and I made it through all of them with piety--and most were on time.

I think Hekate's Deipnon probably went best as I had been preparing for it a while. I could not pass up on the chance to honor Hekate, a Goddess I love deeply, and rid my house (and mind) of all the old that needed ridding. Noumenia had to be a day late due to some unfortunate news, a trip to the city and the tradition of festival dinners, and was celebrated with Agatós Daimõn, something that was done in Ancient Times, but usually on Noumenia. Well, you can't have it all. I also didn't have honey cakes but the spirit of the sacrifice was to give something you rarely have but greatly enjoy. And that, I happened to have: Pringles, which I buy perhaps once a year.

And so, I ended up offering Pringles to the Theoi (= the name the Hellens use(d) for the Gods; Theos = God, Theia = Goddess, Theoi = Gods) and the Agathós Daímõn. All offerings were accepted with relish so who knows; They might have actually liked them.

As for Litha, I will hold ritual for that on sunday but I doubt I would have observed it otherwise. I would still have hosted the dinner, because it's fun and light and it does feel good to offer something to the God and Goddess on this day. Still, for something that I have observed yearly... I was shocked at how little I cared about it. It's astonishing to see the changes within myself. They have happened so fast and feel so final, I would be scared if I didn't have faith that I belong in Hellenismos.

This sunday, I won't be the one to actively call on the God and Goddess and deep within, I'm happy and relieved about that. I'm not sure that right now is the right time for me to act in that capacity. I do look forward to sunday. I will be amongst friends and I will do something I love; hold ritual.

Yet, I'm not sure it will top my Pringles sacrifice.

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