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Saturday, June 2, 2012

My essential Pagan books

Star Foster over at Pantheon recently wrote down her Essential Pagan Books list on her blog with the challenge to other Pagan bloggers to post their own. And so I will, because I have a blog now and I will make use of it.

So here is my list of books I adore.

Janet and Steward Farrar – The Witches Bible Compleat 
This book was one of the first that gave me a clear idea of how (Neo-)Wiccan rituals worked and how they related to their faith. Even now I have left this path behind, it's still a wonderful resource for anyone who needs a bit of guidance on ritual and the eight festivals.

Rhiannon Ryall – West Country Wicca
Now, Ryall's entire claim of a pre-Gardnerian Wicca is probably B.S. It doesn't take away the fact that her words are wonderful tools for any practicioner to invent ways to get closer to nature and the (Wiccan) Gods.

Diane Smith - Wicca and Witchcraft for Dummies
The ultimate 101 book on Wiccan and Witchcraft. I give it to the questers who come to me looking for answers. By and large, I can get behind what is written in these pages and that's rare for me when it comes to 101 books.

Judika Illes – Encyclopedia of Spirits
I can not stress how much I love this book. It's chock full of UPG and not everything might apply to your practice but Illes has tried to describe the Gods by way of mythology and common sense, something I can greatly appreciate as this is usually how I go about it. So, a grain of salt if you're going for historical accuracy but if you just want to connect to the Gods, delve into her words.

Robert Graves – The Greek Myths
I have many, many, many books on Hellenic myth but Robert Graves' interpretation of the myths are a hoot. Please, take everything you read with a mountain of salt but don't rule out the potential of the Gods and Goddesses written down in those pages. It might not be what people believed but it shows the wonderful potential of the Theoi.

Alfred Douglas – The Tarot
This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the Tarot. Not only does it have in-dept resources on all the cards but it puts the use of the Tarot in a historic framework which greatly adds to an understanding of the cards.

Erica Jong, Jos. A. Smith – Witches
This book is gorgeous. It's full of images, both as a part of the page as well as full page, and speaks to the witch part of me. The book itself deals with the caricature of a witch; either as alluring woman or frightening hag. Will it help you in your practice? No, probably not. But it's one of my books I'd be hard pressed to let go of.

J.E. Lovelock - Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth
Now this book is an eye-opener to those who have trouble viewing Earth as a Goddess. It's scientific and sometimes a bit dry but even if all the stated facts are wrong, it's worth the read because of the sheer boost of imagination this book will undoubtedly give you.

Reader's Digest – Magic and Medicine of Plants
This book is my base for herbalism. It's clear, concise and loaded with images and recipes.

Image taken from mlahanas.de

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