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Friday, December 21, 2012

Blessed Winter Solstice

So, there are a bazillion people who celebrate a very special event today: the Winter (or on the other half of the globe, Summer) Solstice. There's Yule, the Dongzhi festival, Yalda, Soyal, Mōdraniht, Pancha Ganapati, and Saturnalia, and then, around this time of year, there are also Christmas, Malkh, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah to celebrate. As Hellenists, we don't have one of those days (unless you count the Heliogenna), which makes this day a bit odd for me, as I have observed it in a religious manner for at least ten years.

I'm looking forward to the Lesser Dionysia, which is placed on the tenth of Poseideon this year (23/24 December), but which could have easily been set in January, due to the confusing but wonderful lunar calendar of the Hellens. I'm celebrating it by attending a Yule gathering of a friend, but I'll also read some tragedies and comedies, and sip while while wrapped in a blanket. I'm not sure if I want to accomplish a 'phallus procession' yet, but we'll see.

A bit after my noon (which is in about three hours from the time of this post), I'll post the winter 2012 edition of Little Witch magazine for your viewing pleasure. It's been taking up all of my time this week, so I hope you guys enjoy it.

For now, blessed Winter (/Summer) Solstice, and enjoy whatever festival comes attached. It was good to see Hēlios rise today.


  1. I am celebrating Poseideia today myself :) Enjoy your Yule celebration!

    1. Enjoy Poseideia! In theory, I'm celebrating it as well, but because so little is known about it, all I can really do to celebrate it is recite a hymn and offer Him libations, which I always so on the eighth day, anyway. I don't think that counts as a festival for me ;) I'll add myrrh incense for the extra touch of special.
      May I ask how you (will) celebrate it?
