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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Comment section fixed

Well then, it seems Google decided that any blogger who had their Google+ comment plug-in installed was not interested in allowing any other method of commenting on a blog post. Today, I was warned that commenting was, indeed, reserved for the Google+ elite, so naturally, I turned off the Google+ plug-in. Commenting is now open again to anyone with a blogger, Google+, and OpenID account. I apologize for the inconvenience.


  1. The funny thing is that, even with that Google+ plug-in, I just couldn't comment using my Google+-account, even though I'm logged in, and even though I'm using friggin' Google Chrome. For some reason it only worked in Apple Safari.

    And I now see that if I want to use my Google-account to post comments I have to sign up for Blogger, which I don't want to. Google is seriously messed up.

  2. Even now I had to use Safari to be able to publish a comment using my Wordpress-account.

  3. @youngflemishhellenist Wow, that is very special indeed. If I had known, I would have kicked out the plug-in ages ago...

  4. ...and I'm sorry it's still giving you trouble :s
