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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

School's almost out forever!

As we are coming to the end of the scholastic year here, I am currently drowning in college deadlines. I managed to blog pretty well throughout the period, but today, I need to play hooky. Today, I have the last of my deadlines, tomorrow, my last big presentation, and on Monday, my last oral exam; then I will be done with school, I will actually have graduated! Think of the time I will have for the blog then!

I will be back with a proper post tomorrow, with my gratitude for your understanding that I won't be able to put anything up besides this today. As always when I can't pot anything good, I will pot a video today. I scoured Youtube for a good video on Plato's Academy, but came up with nothing. I was going to include something about philosophical schools of thought, but the video below far better reflects my enormous sense of whimsy at being almost done far better than anything the ancient Hellenic philosophers could have come up with. Enjoy the Spartan High School Musical, and hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow.