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Monday, October 7, 2013

Fog and Notos

The Fall season, to me, is the season of fog. We might get a little bit of it in the spring and a tiny bit of it once winter truly sets in, but Fall is when I can expect fog at least once every week. While I greatly dislike fog as a driver, there is nothing like waking up to a house encapsulated by fog. All noise is dampened, you can't see beyond a few feet, and suddenly everything in my head gets a little quieter as well. It's like the outside world just fades.

The view from my backyard this morning (and not much beyond it)

Like snow, fog and mist have its own deity presiding over it: He is Notos (Νοτος), God of the South wind, one of the four Anemoi. He is the wet, storm-bringing wind of late summer and early autumn. The Anemoi are the wind Gods who are each ascribed a cardinal direction from which their respective winds come, and are each associated with various seasons and weather conditions. For Notos, these weather conditions are rain, storms, strong gusts of wind, and fog. His rainfall can be heavy enough to destroy crops, and his fog dense enough to run ships ashore. As such, He was a feared God in ancient Hellas.

Roman poet Ovid in his 'Metamorphoses' has a beautiful description of Notos in his description of the great deluge Zeus sent forth to punish mankind:

"And instantly he [Zeus] shut the Northwind in Aeolian caves, and every other wind that might dispel the gathering clouds. He bade the Southwind blow:—the Southwind flies abroad with dripping wings, concealing in the gloom his awful face: the drenching rain descends from his wet beard and hoary locks; dark clouds are on his brows and from his wings and garments drip the dews: his great hands press the overhanging clouds; loudly the thunders roll; the torrents pour; Iris, the messenger of Juno [Hera], clad in many coloured raiment, upward draws the steaming moisture to renew the clouds. The standing grain is beaten to the ground, the rustic's crops are scattered in the mire, and he bewails the long year's fruitless toil." [262]

Notus and His brothers--according to the early poets-- were born of Astraios and Eos. Astraios is the Titan god of the stars and planets, and the art of astrology. Eos the Goddess presiding over the dawn. The stars were also Their children.

Hesiod, in his 'Theogony' reveals this birth. There is one cardinal direction missing: East, represented by Euros (Ευρος). this is because the ancient Hellenes at the time of Hesiod were aware of only three seasons: Spring, Summer and Winter, and only these had dieties presiding over them--in this case Zephyros, Notos and Boreas, respectively.

"And Eos bare to Astraeus [Astraios] the strong-hearted winds, brightening Zephyrus, and Boreas, headlong in his course, and Notus, -- a goddess mating in love with a god." [ll. 378-382]

I am going to go back to enjoying the fog around my home and be content with the Fall season which has now--officially--started for me as this is the first fog of the season I have experienced. I will also offer to Notos in thanks for His arrival into my life. To do so, I will read from the Orphic Hymn to Him:

"Wide coursing gales, whose lightly leaping feet with rapid wings the air's wet bosom beat, approach benevolent, swift-whirling pow'rs, with humid clouds the principles of flow'rs: for flow'ry clouds are portion'd to your care, to send on earth from all surrounding air. Bear, blessed pow'rs, these holy rites attend, and fruitful rains on earth all-parent send."

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