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Friday, October 18, 2013

PBP: Uniting Hellenic Polytheists

Anyone who frequents this blog knows I am passionate about bringing the Hellenistic community together in some way; to facilitate conversation and hope for face-to-face meetings. Today I am very proud to announce two new initiatives for the Hellenistic community. The first is a pet project of mine, but the second surged up from the community, and I am proud to facilitate.

The Hellenistic Festival Schedule:
In an effort to connect the community and make resources available to seekers, Baring the Aegis keeps an updated calendar of upcoming public festivals and celebrations of Hellenistic groups. Contact information is provided where known. If you want your event featured on the calendar, message me on Facebook or send an e-mail to the gmail address 'baring.the.aegis' with the following information:
  • Name of the event
  • Date and time of the event
  • Location of the event
  • Level of reconstruction (Neo-Pagan/non-Traditional/Traditional/etc.)
  • Contact information and/or a link for more information
  • Special rules or necessary information where needed, including entree prices if applicable

Pandora's Kharis:
Pandora's Kharis is a movement which aroze from within the Hellenistic Polytheistic community, and sponsored by Hellenistic Polytheistic organization Elaion. Its goal is to come together as Hellenists--followers of the ancient Hellenic (Greek) Gods--and collect funds monthly to support a worthy cause, decided upon by vote from the members of the group. Donations will be collected throughout the month and provided to the organization on the Noumenia; the religious beginning of the new month, which coicides with the return of the moon after it's just gone through its dark phase. It is a time of hope and promise, and Pandora's remaining gift after the aphora was opened was exactly that. As such, she has been elected to represent what we stand for: to keep an open eye of wonder towards the world, to see the good in it, and to offer hope to those in need.

The goup is closed to insure the privacy of group members; pitches of worthy causes can get quite personal, and discussions can land on the financial; both of which, Elaion's admins would like to facilitate a safe discussion of. If you follow the Hellenic Gods in any way and want to contribute to a couse--even if it's just with the sole dollar you can spare--then please join this group. You will never be forced to make a donation, but we will be very grateful if you do.

Pandora's Kharis was founded after a reader question by Baring the Aegis reader Alice Liddell, who recently commented on my blog with the following:

"It would be wonderful if a monthly online giving circle could be arranged for Greek recons (of all varieties). If there was a blog or facebook page that could hold voting throughout the month for which charity or interest group to contribute to, then at the Deipnon, all the participants could donate a certain amount to the winning charity at once, maximizing the impact. Organized, intentional giving would really bring the community together."

And she was right. The only thing we changed was the date of donation, but the rest of her sentiment remains intact. So if there is a cause you are passionate about and would like to see money go towards, then join us and pitch your cause!