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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On the Delphic Maxims and job interviews

I had a job interview yesterday for a job I really want. I am perfect for it--overqualified, even, but the daily tasks sound like so much fun, I honestly couldn't care less. The job interview went well; not only did I manage to answer the questions to at least my satisfaction, but I got a few laughs, managed to bond a little with every interviewer, and by the time I was done, I felt confident. I might not get the job, I might not even be invited for a second interview, but I can at least rest easy in the knowledge I did everything I possibly could--and did it right.

Yesterday's tiring and stressful event--because I detest job interviews--was one of those events in my life that had me reach for the Delphic Maxims and bury myself in my faith. Although my religion was only a topic of interest for three second someonewhere near the end, I am shaped by it so that it's my go-to solution to find peace in the face of adversity and to quiet my mind. While I as waiting for the interview to start, I was repeating Delphic Maxims in my head:

  • Know Yourself (Σαυτον ισθι)
  • Know your opportunity (Καιρον γνωθι)
  • Use what you have (Χρω χρημασιν)
  • Be courteous (Ευπροσηγορος γινου)
  • Be accommodating in everything (Παςιν αρμοζου)
  • Speak plainly (Αμλως διαλεγου)
  • Control yourself (Αρχε σεαυτου)
  • Do not boast in might (Επι ρωμη μη καυχω)
  • Respect yourself (Σεαυτον αιδου)
  • Use your skill (Τεχνη χρω)
  • Do not begin to be insolent (Μη αρχε υβριζειν)

...and a few more I am forgetting now.

The Delphic Maxims--as I have stated time and time again--are at the basis of my faith, and I believe also at the basis of the Hellenistic faith in general. Not only are they reflectors of the culture our religion rose to greatness in, but they speak of the people our Gods want us to be. They give us ethical guidelines broad enough to apply to any situation--including job interviews, thankfully--but also specific enough to actually be helpful. I applied every single one of those at least once in the interview and hopefully came across as giving, caring, intelligent, and wise enough for my years. Hopefully, I also came off as humble in the face of something so daunting as selling yourself to a sceptical audience.

Job interviews are hard for me in that regard, as I practice temperance and honesty throughout my life. I don't lie, unless it really, really cannot be helped, nor do I accept a lie-by-ommission from myself. I don't boast about my abilities or skills, unless I am sure I can back up the claim with evidence or a test. This means I am often fearful of 'underselling' myself.

I came to a realization today: I care about my spiritual life more than any job on this planet. It's not exactly a new thought for me to entertain, but I realized yesterday that I would never betray my Gods and myself simply to lend a job--and yes, I realize I am overthinking this and that this great divide I am picturing here is mostly in my head. Yet, my head is where I spend most of my time, and at the end of the day, I need to be able to explain to myself why I did what I did that day. I need to live my own ethical life. If I got this job by presenting myself as different than I really am, I would not be pursuing that ethical life and be tainting myself with miasma.

In the end, any job interview will have you present the best you you can possibly be, and that's the way it's supposed to be. Yet, personally, I keep a close eye on the Delphic Maxims throughout this job hunting routine I find myself in: at the end of the day, I care more about spirituality than money, and value myself higher than any job. If landing a job requires me to lie about who I am and hide parts of me away, I would not want it unless there was no other way to survive. Luckily, I am in the position to be a little picky at this point in time.

Wish me luck on this endeavor, and may the Gods be with me. Whatever happens, I am happy with the way the interview went and the way I handled myself. I stayed true to myself and the Gods, and hopefully that came across.


  1. Very interesting topic! I enjoy reading about the Delphic Maxims, because I like to think that the Gods want me to be the best that I can be, and live up to my full potential. I still haven't sat down and really gotten to know the Maxims, but I hope I will get the time to do that soon..
    I hope you get the job :)

  2. Good luck with the job interview! Thank you for the post on the Maxims, I haven't really gotten to read about them much yet. You've encouraged me to crack open the book I have. :)

  3. I didn't get the job, unfortunately, but those things happen. Onto the next one! ;-)

    @Jasmina Vesterdal & Lysandra Arktoi: I'm glad you enjoy the Delphic Maxims discussions. They are very rewarding once you start to apply them to your daily life.
