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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

BBC to cancel 'Atlantis'

Okay, my friends, listen up. You know I am probably BBC's 'Atlantis'' biggest cheerleader and have been so since the first episode. It may have had its issues, but hey, that show meets my needs so very much.  very kind reader alerted me that BBC has cancelled the show recently, and naturally I am not a happy camper.

BBC announced the show’s cancellation this way: “The final seven episodes of Atlantis will transmit on BBC One in spring. We would like to thank Urban Myth Films and all the cast and crew but the series will not be re-commissioned. We are very proud of both series but to keep increasing the range of BBC One drama we have to make difficult decisions to bring new shows through.”

Six of the thirteen episodes of season two have aired so far and you can read recaps here. An exact date for the final seven is yet to be confirmed.

Do you know of any fan initiatives to change BBC One's mind? Let me know in the comments. Of course I'll be recapping the remaining episodes once the show returns. I, for one, will miss this show; it was my weekly fix of mindless Hellenic-themed entertainment. I guess it's time to re-watch Zena: Warrior Princess now...

1 comment:

  1. There are currently 2 petitions going to try to save Atlantis from cancellation or failing that to try to get another channel (e.g. Netflix etc.) to pick it up. Both have around 400 signatures at the moment but we need all the support we can get and need to get as many people to sign them as possible. The web addresses are: https://www.change.org/p/the-british-broadcasting-corporation-tony-hall-the-lord-hall-of-birkenhead-director-general-of-the-bbc-reverse-the-bbc-s-decision-to-cancel-atlantis

    Please get as many people as you can to sign them. There are also Twitter and Facebook pages dedicated to trying to reverse this shortsighted decision.
