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Monday, April 20, 2015

"Atlantis" recap (2.08): The Madness of Hercules

So, last week our heroes got into quite the jam: the Oracle was killed by Medusa in exchange for the return her regular hairdo, the Oracle's helper/priest of Poseidon, Melas, has been on Pasiphaê's side all the time, and he managed to get Jason convicted for the murder of the Oracle. I guess that means the wedding is off for now.

Hercules is heading to Medusa and the cottage he told her to go to. She's there, sobbing in a corner. She feels guilty, and so very scared: she killed the Oracle and now she has cursed herself forever. Back in Atlantis, someone else is feeling the het: Jason will be killed by the Bronze Bull in two days time. He'll be killed as a traitor to Atlantis.

It seems Melas didn't work for Pasiphaê out of his own free will: they have the new Oracle of Poseidon, Cassandra, who is like a daughter to him, and his responsibility. Pasiphaê and Medea know very well that Melas will do everything in his power to keep Cassandra safe. Melas does, however, try to save Jason's life by pleading with Pasiphaê to spare the boy. Pasiphaê says she can't and won't spare him. He'll eventually be a threat and she can't risk his future interference, even if he is her son. Cassandra will be released to Melas when Pasiphaê is on the throne, and for that to happen, Jason needs to die. It's as simple as that.

Hercules returns to the oikos and finds Pythagoras up and awake. Pythagoras wonders where he's been and Hercules lies. They should get some sleep, Pythagoras says. Tomorrow they will be seeing Ariadne: she has finally granted their request for an audience.

Speaking of which, Ariadne is playing to Poseidon, and Melas watches her pray. She is there to ask for clemency for Jason, but Melas knows he can't. He turns her request down, but it pains him. He tells Ariadne that he isn't her enemy and that they can't question the will of the Gods. Problem is: Ariadne knows that Jason's death is not the will of the Gods but the will of men. She just can't prove it.

In the morning, Pythagoras and Hercules petition Ariadne for clemency for Jason... which she can't give. Without Medusa's testimony that she killed the Oracle, there is nothing Ariadne can do. She turns them down. The boys are shocked--and rightfully so Everyone is trapped in their roles.

Jason is shattered. He wonders if it was all a lie, if Ariadne ever did love him if she can send him to his death as easily as this. When Pythagoras and Hercules are alone, Hercules confesses he knows where Medusa is, but he refuses to offer her up in exchange for Jason's life. He needs there to be another way--but Pythagoras says there isn't one. And so Hercules goes to fetch Medusa... who is still faithfully waiting at the cabin.

Medusa says she will earn Hercules love again--which he says she already has. She will do better, make amends. Hercules brought flowers and a guilty conscience. She says she's the luckiest woman alive for having found Hercules and Hercules can't make himself take her to Atlantis. Instead, he watches her sleep peacefully while time runs out.

Jason tried to get an audience with Ariadne through Delmos, who reluctantly agrees to ask her. Melas and Ariadne are busy, however--preparing the Bull for the sacrifice. Cilix says she is doing the right thing, and she agrees--but it's obviously killing her. She refuses Jason's request for an audience when Delmos asks her. She bows to the will of the Gods.

In the morning, Hercules flat out lies to Medusa about the people's views of her--he tells her that they blame Pasiphaê for the Oracle's death--and leaves to either go on a foolish rescue attempt of his friend, or his execution. Or, you know, a bar. He gets shit drunk and then gets himself (and Critias, the guy who cheated him at gambling ages ago) locked up in jail.

It seems Critias is in on it--whatever 'it' is. They break out of their jail cell, grab the guard's sword, and Hercules sends Critias off to save him. Then, Hercules sets the prison on fire and takes out the guards in the fog. He frees Jason--who grabs a sword and follows Hercules through the castle. they run into a few guards, and then a few more, and then the entire platoon.

Delmos summons Pythagoras to tell him that now both Jason and Hercules will be sacrificed through the Bronze Bull, and Pythagoras can't say goodbye to either of them because they are being purified. Pythagoras walks out and eyes the Bull as he goes. He's shell-shocked.

In the cell, Hercules says it's all his fault and Jason forgives him. He's been a good, loyal friend. When they walk to the temple of Poseidon to make peace with him, Ariadne watches them. For a moment it looks like Jason will act out, but he submits to Melas and the will of the Gods. Ariadne is barely keeping it together but she is doing as she must: be a good queen and servant of Poseidon. She does, however, leave. Instead, she stares at the Bull, knowing what will happen soon.

Another person who is barely keeping it together is Pythagoras, who all but thrashes the oikos in his sorrow. When there is a knock on the door, he opens it to find a note. He rushes out and to the cells, where he finds a few guards unconscious. He enters. Meanwhile, Delmos frees Hercules and Jason--because sometimes even the Gods need some help--and sends them on their way with clothes and provisions. Another guard helps them descend down the wall. Pythagoras is there with swords and they run. They'll meet up at the sacred grove of Artemis, because Pythagoras has to lead the guards onto a wild goose chase through the city.

Ariadne was in on the plan, by the way. Delmos informs her the plan worked. Ariadne is ecstatic, but they both know it's far from over. The guards are going to sweep the street and they are appearing to do all they can to apprehend the fugitives. Cilix, meanwhile, brings Pasiphaê up to speed, and she is not fooled for a minute by this 'escape'. She knows Ariadne orchestrated it, and she is going to use it to dethrone her. Medea is worried but Pasiphaê isn't concerned. She has a plan now.

Cilix summons Melas for a walk. He all but orders Melas to tell the people of Atlantis that Poseidon is angry with the escape. That way there will be panic and Ariadne's position will weaken. Melas is shocked, but with Cassandra in their hold...

Out in the forest, Jason wakes Hercules. There are men in the forest--Delmos' men. Hercules questions Pythagoras loyalty but Jason refuses to budge: Pythagoras told them to wait, and so they will wait.

Melas has meanwhile received a 'negative' oracle from the Gods--and Ariadne knows that he's betrayed them. Ariadne and Delmos strategize, but they have very little wiggle room. Cilix is talking to the Counsel, who believe his story about angry Gods and runaway blasphemers. Delmos tries to lessen Cilix's story, but well... all mortals are afraid of Poseidon. And when Cilix says the people think Ariadne helped Jason and Hercules escape, the counsel is hesitant. Cilix is a smart man: he tries to get her to re-swear her oath to Poseidon on the Golden Bull, but she refuses. She tips her hand and gives Cilix exactly what he needs. with Melas in his back pocket, he can arrest Ariadne for blasphemy.

Delmos immediately sends a messenger to Pythagoras with the news and the request to tell Jason. The only way to save Ariadne from going into the Bronze Bull is to turn themselves in. Pasiphaê played her game well: Ariadne is Jason's weakness, just like he is hers. they would die for one another, and with a little bit of 'luck', they will now die together.

Pythagoras makes it out of the city with great difficulty. He catches up to the boys and tells them what has happened. As predicted, Jason wants to go back, but Pythagoras knows there is another way: Medusa. She can save them all--except herself.

Delmos, meanwhile, has been tortured and beaten, and thrown in jail with Ariadne. He's still loyal and he would till do anything to protect his queen. I really, really like that man. Cilix is now in control of the army.

Hercules tells Medusa what has happened, and she immediately wants to return to Atlantis and make this right. Hercules wonders how the Gods can let this happen, but Medusa knows that as soon as she opened the box that gave her her snake hair, her fate was sealed. She's brave for the both of them and I can't say I am not a little pissed off at the world for letting it come down to this.

Atlantis is deserted--no, not deserted, under martial law. Everyone is in their houses, the only ones in the street are guards. Jason, Hercules, Pythagoras, and Medusa make their way to the palace just in time to catch a shocking sight. Standing on the steps to address the soldiers is not Cilix--it's Pasiphaê. She has reclaimed the throne, and all the guards follow her. She's won.

Next on Atlantis: Daidalos is back, Medusa has a plan to save Ariadne--if the boys will trust her--and Pandora's Box is a big part of that plan. Next week on BBC One, recap on Monday.

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