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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Little Witch magazine

For about a year and a half, I have spearheaded the creation of a quarterly on-line magazine called 'Little Witch magazine'. As the next issue comes out on thursday, I'm slightly absent here as I have a lot of work to do.

I make Little Witch with a couple of Pagan and non-Pagan friends and we release it both in Dutch, my native language, as well as in English. This means that every article that is written needs to be edited, translated and prettied up. It's quite a bit of work but I adore doing it.

Somehow, though, the creation of Little Witch always falls at an auspicious time. Usually I'm swamped with school, work or Pagan related things. This is not necessarily a problem but it makes for long days and short nights.

I started Little Witch in September 2010 as a tribute to Brighid. It was a way for me to keep writing and keeping up skills, like InDesign, that I'm good at but have no reason to use beyond some rare events. I used to role play a lot and that forced me to write but as life got busier, I had to let that go. Little Witch brought me closer to Paganism, forced me to do a lot of research and it opened a lot of doorways into the (on-line) Pagan community. It helped me figure out a lot of issues I had with my faith and my place in Paganism. It's not yet as inclusive as I would like it to be but I'm always hoping more guest writers will apply (*hint*, *hint*) and share their expertise.

So this explains my absence a little. I will be back regularly after Little Witch goes up. I will post the magazine here as well, just because it's part of my writing, but you can always visit the website and read up on the older magazines now, if you're curious: www.littlewitchmagazine.com.

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