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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Star Foster's Hardcore Pagan Blogging Project

An extra little post today on the blog. I would kindly ask you wonderful readers to turn your eyes to Star Foster's Hardcore Pagan Blogging Project. Like anyone who blogs regularly, Star requires time and ramen noodles to survive while she rocks the interwebz. Time and ramen noodles cost money, however, so Star's attempting an experiment: to crowd-source the money she needs for basic survival so she can turn her full attention to blogging. As she says herself:

"I’m an idea machine, and often my ideas just take a significant time commitment. Over and over I would try to create something new, or have an idea for a Pagan project and simply lack the time to do it right."

You can read the full blog post about her reasons and many, many ideas here.

As a daily blogger myself, I understand Star very well. Smaller blog updates--anything small which is not labeled 'this is not a real post', I mean--take anywhere from half an hour to an hour and a half for me to write. The bigger research pieces up to five hours. On average, I spend about two hours a day on this blog. Star writes more than me, and even if she's faster, that's still a lot of hours in the day one could be out working to pay bills. I'm working on my own things to get a little extra money through the blog--not ads! Never ads! (unless they rock, then I will consider it)--but Star has a large enough reader-base to try something else, and I applaud her courage.

If you have some money lying about, even if it's just $5,-, please consider a donation. Star is a wonderful writer, a great entertainer and a very committed woman to anything Pagan. She's not new at this; she's been blogging for three years. She's also a big part of the reason this blog exists, so perhaps that may sway you to donate as well.

Please consider donating through IndieGoGo, or, if you aren't comfortable with IndieGoGo, through PayPal (starling.foster@gmail.com). Thank you!

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