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Saturday, November 24, 2012

What do you desire?

I may not be very happy with Facebook, but sometimes, It's an excellent medium to get smacked upside the head with something you've been denying yourself for far too long. If you haven't clicked the video to play yet, please, do it now and stop reading for a moment. Just watch, listen--truly listen--and dig down to into yourself to see if the message applies to you. I'll wait.

Society can be a horrible thing. It's given us a great many things--shelter, safety, supermarkets--but it has also taken a lot away from us: community, freedom, and the right to choose outside of pre-designed boxes, for example. Wether you're a man or woman, you should want an office job these days, with good pay, so you can buy a nice house. You should want to work nine to five, take an half an hour lunch break with your colleagues and when you get home, you should want to watch T.V.. Within Paganism, this doesn't necessarily hold true, but it does in most western countries in general.

I have always, proudly, called myself a feminist. I will fight for women's rights, I will kick glass ceilings until something--either the glass or my toes--gives, I will stand up for equality between the sexes. I will do a lot to ensure equal treatment of men and women. Yet, I am also a homemaker. I love to take care of my girlfriend--who, in Hellenistic terms, is totally my wife--I happily clean, cook, make our house a comfortable place to live in and my girlfriend's life as comfortable as possible.

I understand many feminists--as well as mainstream society--would balk at this information, and even more so when they hear I would happily submit myself to the gender roles of ancient Hellas, where I--as a woman--would not have been allowed to leave the house save for religious occasions, and very rare shopping sprees. It seems to go against the modern notion of feminism, yet, I have always seen feminism as the fight for equal treatment and free choice of all genders. It also goes against modern society, where being a mother or homemaker has somehow become less worthy.

This video made me think hard about what I want in life. If money was not an issue, this is what I would do for the rest of my days: I would write, be a homemaker, build a temple to the Theoi, build a small library on the same ground, and teach seekers about Hellenismos. I'd organize reading classes on the classics, the Theoi, and anything else anyone might be interested in. I would celebrate the festivals within the temple walls and at the altar outside of it. I'd be a priestess to whomever comes looking for one. I'd spend my days taking care of my wife, the temple, the Theoi and--perhaps--a child. Since I was fourteen years old, this vision of the future has changed very little. 

Unfortunately, money is an issue. My girlfriend and I do want a nice, cozy, home, so we need to pay for that in some way. I'm not selfish--or brave--enough to ask her to take that on alone. The best I am hoping for right now is a part-time job which pays decently and allows me to see the sun rise and go down every day. I loath office work, especially in winter. Yet, to make some extra money, I will be adding three more days of work to my three or four day work weeks this December and January. This means six or seven day work weeks. The thought alone is enough to make me cry. Yet, such is modern life. It has its perks, and its failures. I remain hopeful for the future, and remember the temple to the Theoi, my part-time job where I can see the sun rise and go down every day, and my cozy home which I will keep for my wife and child.


  1. First, I'd like to say that I've been reading through your blog here and really enjoying myself. You've been inspiring me to study a bit more again, and revisit already-read books, too, in a quest to better articulate why I don't consider myself Hellenic-to-the-point-of-Hellenismos. My goal at this point is to understand my Hellenic spiritual ancestors as much as I understand my Heathen spiritual ancestors.

    Reading this post has made me grateful all over again that my life largely is already the way I want it to be. Mind you, if money was no concern, there would be a self-sustainable farm complete with a spinner's flock of sheep, goats, and likely a llama. I'd spend the day working the gardens and tending to the critters. Since that will never happen, I'm quite content with our life of semi-seclusion in our city, a job that I can work and leave at work, our devotional practices, access to wonderful libraries, and our family of animals. It's not glamorous, but I do quite love it. Slightly more money would make things like traveling to visit our families on the opposite coast easier, but otherwise, things are pretty awesome.

    I hope the work you find isn't too brain-draining! I can't imagine working in an office, but then I've done customer-service jobs my whole life!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Honestly, that may be the greatest compliment I have ever gotten; that reading Baring the Aegis has inspired you to pick up your own studies. It's wonderful to hear. I've been keeping up with your blog as well. Thank you for the write-up a little while back :)

      You have very noble goals, and I find your kind of blended Traditions inspiring. While I'm pretty much Recon all the way, I can respect the thoughtful blending of Traditions--when done with best intent to Deity.

      I love your dream, and it's wonderful to read that you have worked towards important parts of it already. I'm going back to my old employer--customer service, actually--and giving a helping hand. It's office work, but at least I get to be outside for the other days of the work week. I've decided I'm going to make a calendar and cross off all the days I have survived ;) It worked for me as a kid until the end of the school year, so it should work as well right now.

      Thank you for your words of support, and good luck with your dream. I love Llama's

  2. Knowing your desires makes you sad if you don't know how to combine them with the mainstream life that people push you to live...

    The question I had when i first saw that video was, should my course in life be to chase my dreams, or find balance in my mainstream life and bring it closer to my dreams.... Something I will ponder upon.

    For you, if wanting to teach and guide others is a part of your dream, can you not bring your mainstream life, closer to that wish? As a teacher, who knows how you could inspire your students? The power to inspire is certainly within you...

    1. A fair point, for sure. Part of the reason I want that main stream job--and why I blog, actually--is to have the space to teach, to study, and to practice. Also: to play video games, take naps, walk through the woods and spend loads of time with my girlfriend. You know, do the things that make life worth living. It saddens me to see that 'a life worth living' has become so much about making money, having a big house, owning stuff, etc. The video is a wonderful wake-up call for that.

      Thank you for your response!
