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Monday, April 28, 2014

New statues!

Zero time today due to work and groceries, and a variety of other pressing issues, but Saturday was King's Day in The Netherlands, and I made out like a bandit. For those unaware, King's Day or 'Koningsdag' (formerly Queen's Day) is a national holiday in the Netherlands. Celebration includes parties, live music and markets all around, and while I tend to skip the partying and drinking in orange-coloured outfits, I do tend to scour one ore more flea markets. I don't tent to find much, although last year I got some gems as well. this year, however, I found three beautiful, hand painted, alabaster, statues of the Gods; Eros and Aphrodite Apollon and Daphne (see comments), Athena, and Dionysos. I thought I'd share.


  1. Post another video so we can see how they look in the altar, please! :D

  2. Aren't those Apollôn and Daphnê, not Eros and Aphroditê? Great statues, though. I have the same Athêna.

  3. Hahaha! Oh Gods, look at me who really should look over her posts even if she is in a huge hurry XD I actually *knew* that these are Apollon and Daphne. How the heck did I do that incorrectly this morning?! I'm editing it in a second. Thanks for the comment! XD

  4. What Great finds! I have it on my list to go to the Netherlands for Kingsday,it really looks like so much fun and it doesnt hurt that I love the Dutch Royal Family lol.
