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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Labrys published 'Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship' in English

The Labrys Religious Community aims to preserve, promote and practice the Hellenic polytheistic religious tradition through public rituals, lectures, publications, theatrical and musical events, and other forms of action. Their vision is to restore the Hellenic religious tradition and by extension the Hellenic Kosmotheasis and lifestyle to its rightful place, as a respected, acknowledged and fully functional spiritual path. To bring this goal closer, they have released a new book, previously only published in Greek: 'Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship'. To quote:

"A long awaited effort to make available for the first time abroad, the realities of Hellenic worship as practiced in the birth place of our religion. Our hope is that with this publication newer but also older followers of Hellenismos will find all the basic information to practice household worship in a traditional manner.
Within this publication, the reader is presented with explanations for the central concepts and basic guidelines to the ceremonies that form a part of Hellenic Household Worship as has been established and is currently practiced by the LABRYS Polytheistic Community in Hellas (Greece).
It serves as a useful introductory manual for the newcomer to contemporary Hellenic Polytheism as they take the first steps on their journey to worship the Hellenic Gods in a traditional manner."

The book is available on Amazon store (both US and UK) but purchasing directly through our CreateSpace online store will be appreciated since that will give the LABRYS Polytheistic community a higher portion of the royalties (without changing the price for you) which in return will help them fund our second publication that is currently in research/writing stage concerning the public aspects of worship with all the major city/community celebrations.


  1. I have it and it is very good. A few things tho..
    Is the offering/sacrifice immediately BEFORE one gives the prayer, and does the libation come AFTER the prayer? As well does one partake of the libation?

    I also noticed that there is no final libation to Hestia. Is the first and last not a hard and fast rule then?

  2. @Penda: Sacrifices should be given before prayer (to establish kharis). In general, libations are part of the sacrifice (usually before the food sacrifice) so they come before the prayer. The libation can be enjoyed by those participating as well, yes. The first and last sacrifice to Hestia is not a hard rule, but one many, many Hellenes do hold themselves to. If it's not mentioned in the book, it is most likely part of the group's practice not to partake in a final sacrifice to Hestia; personally I always include it and Elaion as an organisation encourages it as well.
