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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Constellation Virgo: the virgin

This is it, the last constellation in the Constellation series. Of course, I will ahve a little bonus for you--a closer so to speak--but as for the actual contellations, Virgo is the last. Naturally, the ancient Hellenes, with their appreciation of beauty, associated thic contellation with beautiful women.

The ancient Hellenes associated Virgo with Demeter, Goddess of agriculture and the firtile earth. In her hand is a wheat of corn. Alternatively, she was sometimes identified as the virgin Goddess Astraia, holding the scales of justice in her hand as the constellation Libra.

A third interpretation for the source of Virgo is given to us by Latin author Gaius Julius Hyginus (64 BC – AD 17) is that of Ikários (Ἰκάριος), a grape farmer from Athens who was trained by Dionysos. Ikários is not to be confused with Íkaros from mythology, the son of Daidalos. This Ikários was such a fine winemaker that he could produce wine so strong, those who drank it appeared to be poisoned. His skill turned out to be his undoing; Íkaros was killed by those who drank his wine, thinking the wine maker was out to kill them. His daughter Erigone was taken to his body by the family hound, Maera, whereupon both she and the dog committed suicide by hanging. It may have been that Dionysos was so angry over the murder and the following suicides, He punished Athens by making all of the city's maidens commit suicide in the same way. Zeus, stricken by the events, placed all of them in the sky; Ikários as Boötes, Erigone as Virgo, and Maera as Canis Major, Canis Minor or the star, Procyon.

Another myth identifies Virgo as Erigone, the daughter of Icarius of Athens. Icarius, who had been favoured by Dionysus, was killed by his shepherds while they were intoxicated and Erigone hanged herself in grief; Dionysus placed the father and daughter in the stars as Boötes and Virgo respectively. You can read more about them here, in this post about the Anthesteria festival in which Icarius' death is commemorated.

As per husual Hyginus in his 'Astronomica' is our main source of information on this constelation. He writes:

"Hesiod calls her the daughter of Jove and Themis. Aratus says that she is thought to be daughter of Astraeus and Aurora, who lived at the time of the Golden Age of men and was their leader. On account of her carefulness and fairness she was called Justice, and at that time no foreign nations were attacked in war, nor did anyone sail over the seas, but they were wont to live their lives caring for their fields. But those born after their death began to be less observant of duty and more greedy, so that Justice associated more rarely with men. Finally the disease became so extreme that it was said the Brazen Race was born; then she could not endure more, and flew away to the stars.

Others call her Fortune - others, Ceres, and they dispute the more about her because her head is dimly seen. Some have called her Erigone, daughter of Icarus, whom we have spoken of before. Others call her a daughter of Apollo by Chrysothemis, an infant, named Parthenos. Because she died young she was put by Apollo among the constellations." [II.25]

Virgo is visible at latitudes between +80° and −80°, and best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of May.

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