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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Poseideon updates

On the day of the Hene kai Nea, I post a monthly update about things that happened on the blog and in projects and organizations related to it. I will also announce Elaion's coming PAT rituals.

Changes to the blog:
PAT rituals for Gamelion:
  • 17/01 - Gamelion 7 - Sacrifice to the Kourotrophoi and Apollon Lykeios‏
  • 18/01 - Gamelion 8 - Sacrifice to Apollon Apotropaius, Apollon Nymphegetes, & the Nymphs at Erchia
  • 19/01 - Gamelion 9 - Sacrifice to Athena at Erchia
  • 22/01 - Gamelion 12-15 - Lenaia - festival in honor of Dionysus in the Attic deme of Limnai
  • 06/02 - Gamelion 27 - Theogamia/Gamelia - celebrating the sacred marriage of Zeus Teleios and Hera Telei
  • 06/02 - Gamelion 27 - Sacrifice to Kourotrophos, Hera, Zeus Teleius, and Poseidon at Erchia

Anything else?
This month's Pandora's Kharis charity is The Donkey Sanctuary. The Donkey Sanctuary was founded in 1969 by Dr Elisabeth Svendsen MBE and supports projects in 27 countries worldwide. It reaches out to those in greatest need through the provision of permanent refuge and veterinary services to alleviate their suffering. Over 50 million donkeys and mules exist in the world. Many need care and protection from a life of suffering and neglect, whilst others have a vital role to play in human survival and happiness; they are at the heart of everything they do at The Donkey Sanctuary.
The deadline to donate is January 9, 2016. You can do so by using the PayPal option to the side of the Pandora's Kharis website or by donating directly to baring.the.aegis@gmail.com. Thank you in advance! Join us on Facebook if you would like to pitch a cause for next month!

Are you looking for an online shop to buy incenses and other Hellenistic basics from? Try The Hellenic Handmaid on Etsy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I just read your story of the Underworld - by the way, beautiful - and, maybe it doesn't interest you, but still, my view of the underworld and afterlife is pretty much the same, but with one difference: when you are to be at the fields of Asphodel and are judged to stay there, i believe that if you see someone you knew in your life or even loved, you remember a part of your life, the parts with that person and have a spark of memories and happiness apart from wandering some fields.

    Thanks for listening.
