Well, the government might be having some trouble, but Greece is not forgetting the ancient monuments. News of the continuation of not one, not two, but three restoration projects recently came over The Archeology News Network; Delphi, the Sanctuary of the Great Gods and the Medieval castle of Samothrace, and the Temple of Apollo in the ancient city of Side are all getting make-overs.

The Operational Program Thessaly will invest €600,000,- ($803,000,-) to enhance and preserve the ancient holy site of Apollon. The restoratory work will focus mostly on the Temple of Apollo, the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, the Gymnasium and Castalia.
After the site is thoroughly surveyed, the work will focus on cleaning up and restoring several key features of Delphi's survived monuments. The mosaics will be cleaned, the fixation of surfaces of monuments will be checked and restored where needed, and an ancient bronze column will be constructed and placed at the Hippodrome of Constantinople. Another primary focus will be the improvement of the functionality and aesthetics of the site as well as some interventions which aim at a better serving of disabled people.
The National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)-- the reference document for the programming of European Union Funds at national level for the 2007–2013 period--will fund the conservation works at the Sanctuary of the Great Gods and the Medieval castle of Samothrace. In ancient times, the site served as a worship area to Axieros, a deity related to Cybele and Demeter, Kadmilos, an ithyfallic deity identified with Hermes, and the Cabeiri, ithyfallic demons identified with the Dioskouroi. Surrently, the site houses some fo the treasures found at the site, in both storehouses and a museum.
The Archeology News Network reports that excavations at the area have ceased since 1995. There are, nevertheless, some areas where conservation works are urgent. The work will be carried out in two phases, both taking three years. From the article:
"The first phase of the project includes the reconstruction of the terraces, the conservation of the architectural members and the rest of the monuments at the Easter Sector. Among them is the Propylon of Ptolemy II. In the second phase, the monuments on the western side of the Sanctuary will be restored, and in the third phase the works will focus on the central area of the site, where the most significant buildings of the Great Gods’ worship are."
Another feature of Samothrace is its castle. The aim of the renovations is to make the castle visitable, which means that work on the fortification of the walls will continue, the last of the surfaces of structural members with decayed plaster will be jointed, and when summer arrives, the area surrounding the castle will be cleaned up and made safe, opening the way for tourists and other interested parties to wander the castle itself, and not just look upon it from a distance.

The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism has launched a restoration project for the historic Temple of Apollo in the ancient city of Side, stating that the project is undertaken to preserve the cultural and historic assets of the ancient city of Side, which has great importance as a tourist attraction in the country. The temple's remainig columns suffer from corrosion from the moisture and saltwater right next to the temple, and are in need of some fortification.
The Ministry of Culture attempts to cycle through restoration and preventitive work on its national treasures, being well aware of the national value of these monuments. The 2000 year old temple to Appollon is next on the list, after a 35 year waiting period since its last restauration.
The Networt reports that the project is being led by Assistant Professor Hüseyin Alanyalı and his wife, Assistant Professor Feriştah Alanyalı, who also launched a landscaping project around the restored sites in Side--the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of Tyche, the Temple of Dionysus, the Temple of Athena and a basilica--last year. It seems ot me the temple of Apollo is in good hands, indeed.
All images taken from their respective articles, as linked to in this post.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Apollon archeology Athena current affairs Delphi Demeter Dionysos Kastor and Polideukes modern Greece Samothrace Side Temples
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