"...'anyone who practices Wicca, Satanism, alchemy, astrology, ESP or other mystical sciences' or those who feel they can 'tap into unseen spiritual forces.' Those who are interested in the study of 'the Kabbalah or Esoteric Christianity' are also invited to participate; the show is presently seeking males and females ages 17-29 who take their occult practices seriously, regardless of societal views. The casting call will remain open for a one year period and closes on Sept. 10, 2013."
All but the first and last quotation marks are theirs. True Life, by the way--for those as unfamiliar with it as I am--is:
"...a reality-based television series first established in the late 1990s; the show is presented in documentary fashion and depicts different people and lifestyles; According to MTV’s website, "True Life" is a show “narrated solely by its characters” and the producers strive to offer shows that are “unusual” or “remarkable.” “True Life” is an Emmy award winning television series that allows those depicted to share their lives and their personal stories with the world."
I wanted to say I am unsure about this idea but truth be told, I am actively against the idea of MTV bringing any Pagans to my T.V. screen. Even if they try to bring this to the people without going 'Oooohhh! Look! A witch!', I doubt they will succeed.
Of course, I should not judge. I have never seen an episode of True Life. It will also depend greatly on the people who sign up for this how awful it will be. If some of our Elders sign up, this might actually be pretty darn epic. If you are interested in signing up, you first need to fork up $9.95, though, because you need an account at Reality Wanted.
I would love some feedback on this show from viewers. Is this something we should be excited about? Dread? Ignore? Would you ever sign up for something like this? If so, why?
I'm judging MTV so hard...not just because they clearly want to put on a show of freaks, no, I'm judging their lack of music. And that they want to find the fluffy bunnies and Hecate-will-curse-you-in-my-name! people and say that this is what we are all like.
Careful what you wish for? :/
True Life is one of MTVs best shows, I think. It seems to be a fairly accurate portrayal of the people they follow. I'm sure it is edited to the producer's likings, but it is also mostly unscripted from what I understand. I also know they will find the nuttiest 'pagan's they can in order to get ratings. And this will make lots of us look bad. Big deal. There are tons of pagans that make the rest look bad, and we just have to suck it up and work harder to make our truth known. I don't think I would sign up for this, though I am a mite tempted. I will watch it though, and hope for the best.
Careful indeed...
Well, it's good to know that True Life producers will probably try to let the ones who sign up say what they feel the need to say. I am worried about the ones they will cast for this, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Thank you for your reply :)
^ True, and to be fair, most shows make Christians look bad, don't they? (Like The Simpsons ... South Park. Ohhh dear, South Park haha).
Depends on the show; if there is going to be a serious religious character, he or she is usually Christian. But yes, they're not immune to getting the short end of the stick ;)
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